5 Simple ways to simplify your life

As we are living in the modern era, our needs and possessions for something never end. We keep on chasing the materialistic world and trying to achieve something which has no end.

This materialistic need always wants us to pursue more and drive more towards short-term happiness, rather than being happy with what we have and what we actually need.

Chasing something which is essential in your life and for your survival is necessary and we should work hard to get the required items for our survival but that doesn't mean we should get immersed into the world of materialism and not think whether such things are even essential for us or not.

We follow the trends so much as if we can't survive without having such unnecessary over-materialistic stuff. The reasons are endless, it can be due to our lifestyle, media, society, or even our own desires.

Living such type of lifestyle is always miserable and worthless as it takes away your happiness and mental peace just to fulfil the short-term possessions.

If you are fed up with living such type of hectic, overwhelming and miserable lifestyle, you need to change your lifestyle and the way you think life is.

If you want to achieve mental peace and want to live a stress-free life, if you are thinking to live a simple lifestyle then this article is for you.

There are several ways to live a simple life that can help you find mental peace and make your life stress-free. So, here are the 5 ways to live a simple life:

Ditch multitasking, Focus on one task at a time

Multitasking has been encouraged in our society and can be considered as a good thing to be a multitasker. The fact is, your brain tends to commit more mistakes in multitasking mode and your brain uses more energy to do all those tasks at once, there is a high chance of committing mistakes and being less productive as multitasking is less efficient.

Multi-tasking is more complicated, more stressful, and generally less productive. Instead, do one task at a time.

Doing one task at a time makes you more efficient and productive, you'll be more focused on your task and can able to perform your day-to-day activities extremely well.

Go for quality, not quantity

We often buy something unnecessary in bulk as it costs lesser than buying just one quantity or blindly, we pick something from the store just because of sales and discounts.

Always try to invest in something that can last longer and it's essential for you in your day-to-day life. So, try not to go for quantity over quality.

Try not to have a ton of stuff in your life … instead, have just a few possessions, but ones that you really love, and that will last for a long time.

Get rid of big items

Another way of living a simple life is by getting rid of big things that you don't need.

You may have so many tiny things that you may not care about it and doesn't look like huge loads of items, but the big items in your house do.

You have such big items which are stored out of your sight in your yard, storeroom or basement. These items can take a large amount of space if you forget about them and keep on adding more big items.

Eliminate the items in your storage space, unless you have the storage space and get rid of unused major furniture, home appliances as soon as possible.

Limit your buying habits

Today's materialistic world often urges us to buy more and to follow the trends and makes you buy more bigger and better things whether it is the trendiest clothes or a smartphone which is quite unnecessary to have in our lives.

More buying items means more expenditure that means you are spending more on something which is often not required but you buy it just to fulfil your short-term desires or to follow the latest trends or to maintain your status in the society or for no reason.

In fact, these possessions and purchases don't buy us happiness, we are being pushed towards materialism just to fill the pockets of corporations, not for our own happiness.

Limiting your buying habits not only saves your time and money but also makes you live a simple and less stressful life. So, reconsider yourself before buying something.

Making your house minimalist

Having a minimalist house is probably keeping the essentials and reducing the items that are not in use to make your house look cleaner and clutter-free.

The less clutter we see, the less visual stress we have: living in a minimalist house has its own benefits like it's less stressful, more appealing and easier to clean.

A minimalistic room has minimal stuff loaded in the house. For example, a minimal house should have clear walls which means it should be free from artistic paintings, clumsy looking walls, and too many photo frames on walls but keeping less as long as the walls look clean. It should have clean floors and surfaces, which means less stress to your eyes as there is nothing to clean and declutter.

Living in a minimalistic house also means you need to have less furniture as possible in a room.

The biggest things in any room are the furniture, so you should always begin simplifying a room by looking at the furniture. The fewer pieces of furniture, the better (within reason, of course).

Think of which furniture can be eliminated without sacrificing comfort and livability. Go for a few pieces of plain, simple furniture (example: a minimalist coffee table) with solid, subdued colours.

So, these are some ways which you can consider following and start simplifying your life as soon as possible. If you like this article, do share this with your friends and follow me here and on social media for many such blogs.

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Ali Siddiqui

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