This is my second post and I hope you've understood what rat race is and the difference between production and consumption in my previous newsletter. If you haven't read it yet, then click here to read that post.
In this post, you'll learn the benefits of reading every single day and how it improves your thinking ability and your life.
So let's dive into the topic......
Morning times are best for learning
In the morning, your mind is super-fresh and empty so it is ready to absorb whatever you feed it. Brains are welcoming for acquiring new information when it is refreshed, so morning times are best for learning.
Your mind consumes what you feed. So feed some positive and inspiring thoughts, read some good books which help you in your mental growth. Read any self-improvement books, or personal development books, listen to some audiobooks and podcasts.
Reflect your views on paper or record your voice and listen to it. Write down your thoughts on how you've felt about it, what have you learnt from it. Share with your like-minded people who care and value your thoughts, discuss with them. Fill your mind with some positive and inspiring thoughts.
Reading is enjoyable at any time of the day, but there are many benefits to reading in the morning. Research shows that 7.00 am to 11.00 am is the best time to do things like mathematics and problem-solving activities. Brains tend to be super-active during the initial phase of your day i.e, in the morning.
Reading every single day can improve your communication skills as you gain more vocabulary, so you can able to express yourself more efficiently.
There are several other proven benefits of reading in the morning, such as:
1. Relieving Stress
Morning reading has been found to relieve stress. A 2009 study at the University of Sussex found that reading can reduce stress by up to 68%.
2. Reducing Chronic Pain
Reading, particularly in the morning, was discovered among sufferers of chronic pain to ease pain and take their minds off of their discomfort.
3. Easing Anxiety
People who suffered from anxiety or depression discovered having a morning routine that included reading and journaling eased symptoms.
4. Enhancing Communication
Morning reading improves communication skills, like increasing vocabulary, improving comprehension, and enriching social interactions.
5. Improving Intelligence
Reading in the morning expands your knowledge of things and translates to higher reading and IQ scores.
6. Increasing Empathy
Reading makes us more empathetic. Getting lost in someone else’s problems makes it easier to relate to others. Reading helps you understand what others are feeling and thinking.
7. Boosting Brain Power
Reading increases brain power by as much as 30%. Starting your day by reading also improves both focus and memory.
Conclusion :
So these are the reasons why you should read every single day.
In this post, you've learnt why reading is important and the reasons for reading everyday and specifically in the morning.
We also learnt some benefits, such as:
Reading helps to Relieve your stress, reduce chronic pain, ease anxiety, enhance communication, improve intelligence, increase empathy, and to boost brainpower.
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Note: This post is an extract from the book "Organize your morning", if you're interested to improve your morning routine and habits, you can check out my ebook by clicking here.
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